Release Notes for XWiki Workspaces 1.0 Release Candidate 2

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2017/03/24

Release Notes for XWiki Workspaces 1.0 Release Candidate 2

Changes from XWiki Workspaces 1.0 RC 1

  • Bug Resolved :
    • XWS-10 - Missing validation on workspaces creation form
    • XWS-14 - Document creation lightboxes not visibles if the page is scrolled
    • XWS-18 - Gallery editing page is a bit screwed up in IE6 & IE7
    • XWS-40 - Lightboxes are displayed _real_ bad in IE6
    • XWS-44 - Problem with the item creation popup : when we "Cancel & Close" (the X in the upper-right corner) we are redirected to "undefined"
    • XWS-45 - After a registration we should be redirected to XWSAdmin.ManageUsers (instead of just having an empty page with the "Registration Successfull" message)
    • XWS-48 - The new workspace creation form could be a bit reskinned (on the XWS.MySpaces page)
    • XWS-51 - A user should not be allowed to delete Himself from his Personnal Space
    • XWS-52 - The Administrator (Admin / admin) should not be displayed OR not be allowed to remove himself from the Admin list of the Organization Space
    • XWS-53 - If we have a workspace title on more than 1 line (around more than 45-50 characters - space included) the layout is a bit broken 
    • XWS-57 - Problem when we create a link to a image page - parameter 'viewer=image' is missing
    • XWS-67 - There is two links leading to the current user profile in the top action bar
    • XWS-68 - Workspace creation form should be under the workspace list
    • XWS-71 - The "Comments" message is too big compared to page title and other font sizes
    • XWS-73 - Under IE browsers, the Admin XWiki toolbar does not work properly
    • XWS-75 - Preview fails on unsaved (new) blog article
    • XWS-76 - Non-admin registered users can edit but not view their profile
    • XWS-78 - Layout issue in edit mode under IE6 (white banner on top + scrolling disappearing)

Known issues

Issues we know about


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